Last week I gave a talk at David Siteman Garland’s RISE Lunch, and my subject matter was a topic that’s very near and dear to my heart. The title of my presentation was “Building Communities With Twitter, Facebook, and Blogs – Why Bother?” It was to be a 15 minute presentation. I threw together my Powerpoint presentation (the first one I’ve ever built, actually).
Here’s where things get weird. I don’t do alot of public speaking. I had a friend get married in 2001 and I was Best Man, and that speech almost killed me. I was so bloody nervous, I couldn’t even enjoy myself at the reception. Last week, as I prepared for the speech, as the speech approached, as I sat at the lunch waiting for my turn, as people kept asking “Are you nervous? Are you nervous?” and as I delivered the speech that ran for 25 minutes……. I was not nervous. Not at all. What is UP with that?
Here’s the link to the podcast.
Let me know what you guys think – has anyone else had a similarly notable experience when publicly speaking?